For a small business, tradesman or at home business, a dedicated space to plan the day, track expenses and work on the business is essential.
If you’ve outgrown your bed or kitchen counter as your business’ office, it may be time to look around for other spaces in the home that will serve that purpose. Don’t have an entire room to use as your home office? Get some inspiration from these spaces that highlight how you can squeeze in an office in minimal square footage.
Under the Stairs
Under the stairs is a perfect spot for a mini home-office as structurally the space created is like a private nook. Utilise as much of the wall space as practical bearing in mind that the wall space will grade down, so having a plan for how you will break up the space is important.

Photo Source: Ikea
In the Corner
Two corner spaces take a different approach. The triangular-shaped built-in desk and built-in shelves fits neatly into the space while the other corner unit between two windows provides a bit more desk space.

Photo Source: I Heart Organising

Photo Source: Flickr
On a Recessed / Blank Wall
Whether it’s a built in or free-standing desk, using a slither of wall space, say 2’-3’ wide, is especially effective when you use above the desk for storage. These simple floating shelves add function without bulk. Of course, paperwork is neatly contained and out of sight in a mix of storage boxes and magazine organisers making for pretty but functional spaces.

Photo Source: Maillardville Manor

Photo Source: Martha Stewart
In a Closet
Not sure how many people could spare a closet to create an office. But kudos to you if you can! A ‘cloffice’ blends the benefits and features of the previously mentioned spaces. In addition, no-one has to know it’s there. Simply close the door and your work has disappeared. If only!

Photo Source: Staring Down the Sun
Looking to incorporate one of these ideas in your own home? Here are some quick tips:
Choose a location with your habits including paper management preferences in mind.
Consider what exactly you will be doing in the space and how long are you likely to spend working.
Consider what provisions you need to make for storage and whether built-in or free-standing units will serve you better